Property:Has Toxicity Explanation

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A toxicity level of 2 for this treatment implies that it has a low toxicity level, meaning the common side effects observed are generally mild and tolerable. The main known side effect is a condition called Hypercalcemia, which is an excessive level of calcium in your blood, that occurs only at high doses of one type of Vitamin D variant. But, it's essential to follow recommended dosage and supplementation strategies for the best therapeutic benefits. The treatment lacks FDA approval currently, hence, it's important to have a conversation with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or treatment.  +
Angiotensin-II Receptor Blockers, primarily used for high blood pressure, have been repurposed for cancer studies, specifically for reducing swelling around brain tumors and lowering the need for steroids. Common side effects can include dizziness, low blood pressure, and alterations in kidney function. However, these are generally mild and manageable, hence the relatively low toxicity rating. While these drugs have shown potential in improving some symptoms, their impact on tumor growth or survival rate is still under investigation.  +
As a natural compound, parthenolide is generally considered to have low toxicity. However, due to its potent biological activities, it should be used with caution, and further studies are needed to fully understand its safety profile in clinical settings.  +
Carboplatin is generally preferred over cisplatin due to its significantly lower toxicity profile, though myelosuppression remains a concern. The combination with Talazoparib is under study to determine the safety and tolerability of this novel therapeutic approach.  +
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine are generally well-tolerated when used for glioblastoma treatment. Most studies observed minimal impact on the occurrence of adverse events. This implies that these drugs, especially Chloroquine, carry a low risk of causing harmful side effects or discomfort, therefore they are assigned the lowest toxicity level of 1.  +
Considerable hepatic and pulmonary toxicity has been reported, alongside myelosuppression. The significant side effects underscore the need for careful patient monitoring and consideration of risk-benefit profiles when using BCNU in treatment regimens.  +
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. As a dietary supplement, it has the lowest toxicity rating. This number (1) represents minimal toxicity. Remember, however, that while curcumin is showing some promising results in laboratory studies, it is not an FDA-approved cancer treatment and is currently under investigation.  +
Dendritic cell vaccines like this one are known for their favorable safety profile, with predominantly mild, manageable adverse effects.  +
Disulfiram shows a relatively low toxicity for treating Glioblastoma, especially when no alcohol is consumed. This means it could be a safer choice for treatment. Potential side effects like delirium and peripheral motor neuropathy were only reported at higher dosages. However, ongoing research is important to maximize therapeutic outcomes and minimize any potential side effects.  +
Ellagic Acid, derived from fruits and nuts, is generally considered safe due to its natural origins. It has not been documented to cause specific side effects. However, it's important to note it's still in preclinical and early trial phases, with a focus on cancer prevention rather than treatment. A toxicity level of 1 signifies that it has not been associated with severe harm or side effects, though more extensive clinical research is needed.  +
Fish Oil, or Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA), is well-tolerated by patients. This supplement is not typically associated with severe or dangerous side effects. The most common side effects include a fishy aftertaste and minor gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, it's toxicity level is low.  +
GKRS, especially when utilized in a fractionated approach with the Gamma Knife ICON, presents a viable treatment option for GBM patients, emphasizing reduced side effects while maintaining efficacy.  +
Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a type of dietary supplement and not a specific cancer treatment. It's generally well-tolerated with no specific common side effects mentioned from its usage. However, it's not ideally recommended for treating glioblastoma as it does not effectively cross into the central nervous system or reach brain tumors after oral administration. Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended instead due to their higher potential of reaching the brain and they are also more cost-effective. The toxicity level of 1 signifies that it's considered low risk and unlikely to cause harmful effects.  +
Garlic is used as a dietary supplement and is generally well-tolerated by most people. The most common side effects reported include gastrointestinal discomfort and a strong odor. There is currently not enough research to suggest that garlic as a treatment for glioblastoma has severe toxic side effects. So, it has a low toxicity level of 1.  +
Generally well-tolerated but associated with some common side effects like hypertension and fatigue; ongoing trials will provide more detailed safety data for GBM  +
Generally well-tolerated but associated with some common side effects like hypertension and fatigue; ongoing trials will provide more detailed safety data for GBM  +
Generally well-tolerated but requires careful monitoring for hematologic toxicity and other side effects. The low-dose approach aims to minimize severe adverse effects associated with standard TMZ dosing.  +
Generally well-tolerated with few serious adverse events; typical side effects are mild  +
Gleevec (Imatinib) is at a moderate toxicity level. This is because while it does have side effects such as fluid retention, nausea, muscle cramps, rashes, and fatigue, these are common to most treatments and they vary from patient to patient. Also, it has not been specifically approved for glioma treatment, indicating that it might have unexpected results, slightly increasing the risk factor. However, it has shown some potential benefits in early research, hence the moderate, not high, toxicity rating.  +
Includes expected side effects such as fevers and altered mental status post-infusion, with significant neurotoxicity that has been manageable in initial patients.  +