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Property Information
Drug Name Carboplatin
FDA Approval Yes, approved for various cancers including ovarian and lung cancer; used off-label for GBM
Used for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and high-grade glioma
Clinical Trial Phase Exploratory and Phase 1/2 trials for recurrent glioma in combination with other agents
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Less toxicity compared to cisplatin, but may include myelosuppression, nausea, and potential for liver enzyme elevation
OS without Not specified
OS with Not directly specified; ongoing studies aim to clarify Carboplatin's impact on survival in recurrent glioma
PFS without Not applicable
PFS with Early studies indicate variable results; ongoing trials, including combinations with PARP inhibitors, aim to determine efficacy
Usefulness Rating Pending further clinical trials and data
Usefulness Explanation Carboplatin, especially in combination with agents like Talazoparib, represents a promising line of investigation for recurrent GBM and high-grade glioma. Early research suggests variable efficacy, with the potential for meaningful clinical benefit in specific patient populations.Property "Has Usefulness Explanation" (as page type) with input value "Carboplatin, especially in combination with agents like Talazoparib, represents a promising line of investigation for recurrent GBM and high-grade glioma. Early research suggests variable efficacy, with the potential for meaningful clinical benefit in specific patient populations." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Toxicity Level 2
Toxicity Explanation Carboplatin is generally preferred over cisplatin due to its significantly lower toxicity profile, though myelosuppression remains a concern. The combination with Talazoparib is under study to determine the safety and tolerability of this novel therapeutic approach.

From Ben Williams Book: Carboplatin's role in treating recurrent glioma, including GBM, is under active exploration, with early studies and ongoing trials investigating its efficacy and safety in combination with other therapeutic agents. Its lower toxicity profile compared to other platinum-based chemotherapies, like cisplatin, makes it an attractive option for recurrent glioma treatment strategies, pending further evidence from current research efforts.Property "Has original text" (as page type) with input value "Carboplatin's role in treating recurrent glioma, including GBM, is under active exploration, with early studies and ongoing trials investigating its efficacy and safety in combination with other therapeutic agents. Its lower toxicity profile compared to other platinum-based chemotherapies, like cisplatin, makes it an attractive option for recurrent glioma treatment strategies, pending further evidence from current research efforts." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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