Metronomic low dose temozolomide (TMZ)

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Property Information
Drug Name Metronomic Low-Dose Temozolomide (TMZ)
FDA Approval FDA-approved for glioblastoma but standard metronomic dosing is still under investigation
Used for Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), recurrent GBM
Clinical Trial Phase Phase II and III for metronomic dosing schedules
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, myelosuppression, lymphopenia
OS without Median overall survival for GBM is typically 15-17 months from diagnosis
OS with Studies suggest a potential improvement in overall survival, with some reports indicating up to 20-24 months in certain patient populations
PFS without Data not specified
PFS with Progression-free survival of 6-12 months reported in some studies
Usefulness Rating 4
Usefulness Explanation Metronomic low-dose TMZ may offer a viable option for patients with recurrent GBM, providing a balance between efficacy and reduced toxicity compared to standard dosing. Further research is ongoing to confirm these benefits.
Toxicity Level 3
Toxicity Explanation Generally well-tolerated but requires careful monitoring for hematologic toxicity and other side effects. The low-dose approach aims to minimize severe adverse effects associated with standard TMZ dosing.

Notes: Metronomic low-dose Temozolomide (TMZ) is an emerging treatment approach for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), particularly in recurrent cases. Unlike the conventional high-dose regimen, metronomic dosing involves administering TMZ at lower doses more frequently, which aims to minimize toxicity while maintaining anti-tumor efficacy.

The rationale behind metronomic dosing is to provide continuous exposure to the drug, potentially leading to sustained anti-angiogenic effects and direct tumor cell cytotoxicity. This approach may help overcome resistance mechanisms that limit the effectiveness of traditional dosing schedules.

Clinical studies have shown promising results with metronomic TMZ in terms of extending progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in GBM patients. For instance, some trials have reported median overall survival extending to 20-24 months in specific patient cohorts. However, results can vary based on individual patient factors and the specifics of the dosing regimen used.

Common side effects of metronomic TMZ include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and myelosuppression. Despite these risks, the lower doses used in metronomic therapy are generally better tolerated than conventional high-dose regimens, making this an attractive option for patients who are unable to tolerate more aggressive treatments.

Ongoing research and clinical trials are further evaluating the efficacy and safety of metronomic TMZ, aiming to optimize dosing strategies and identify patient populations that may benefit most from this approach.

References: - [Clinical implications of metronomic TMZ in glioblastoma]( - [Management of glioblastoma with metronomic TMZ]( - [Metronomic chemotherapy for glioblastoma: Current perspectives](

From Ben Williams Book: Not specified

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