Genetically modified Poliovirus (PVS-RIPO)

From Glioblastoma Treatments
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Property Information
Drug Name Genetically modified Poliovirus (PVS-RIPO)
FDA Approval Not specified
Used for Not specified
Clinical Trial Phase Not specified
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Not specified
OS without Not specified
OS with Not specified
PFS without Not specified
PFS with Not specified
Usefulness Rating Not rated
Usefulness Explanation Not specified
Toxicity Level Not specified
Toxicity Explanation Not specified

From Ben Williams Book: In 2015, this phase I trial for recurrent glioblastoma at Duke University received a boost in public interest when an episode of the television show 60 minutes was devoted to it. Most exceptionally, the first two patients treated in this study were complete responders. As of March 2015 (when the 60 minutes special aired) these two complete responders were still alive and progression-free at 33 and 34 months from treatment. 11 of 22 patients in the trial were still alive, though six of these patients were less than 6 months from treatment. Importantly, dose escalation of PVS-RIPO failed to improve efficacy, and the more recent patients in the trial are being treated with a smaller dose than the trial originally started with. Read an interview with Darrel Bigner discussing this trial here.Property "Has original text" (as page type) with input value "In 2015, this phase I trial for recurrent glioblastoma at Duke University received a boost</br>in public interest when an episode of the television show 60 minutes was devoted to it.</br>Most exceptionally, the first two patients treated in this study were complete responders.</br>As of March 2015 (when the 60 minutes special aired) these two complete responders</br>were still alive and progression-free at 33 and 34 months from treatment. 11 of 22</br>patients in the trial were still alive, though six of these patients were less than 6 months</br>from treatment. Importantly, dose escalation of PVS-RIPO failed to improve efficacy, and</br>the more recent patients in the trial are being treated with a smaller dose than the trial</br>originally started with. Read an interview with Darrel Bigner discussing this trial here." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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