CPT-11 (Irinotecan)

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Property Information
Drug Name CPT-11 (Irinotecan)
FDA Approval Approved for the treatment of colon cancer; under investigation for recurrent glioma
Used for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and other malignant gliomas
Clinical Trial Phase Phase I/II trials in combination with other therapies
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Hematologic, gastrointestinal, and hepatic toxicities noted; acceptable safety profile in combination regimens
OS without Not directly specified; historical control data needed for comprehensive comparison
OS with Increases observed in specific combination trials, such as Irinotecan with Bevacizumab
PFS without Variable across studies
PFS with Enhancements in progression-free survival noted in combination therapies, ranging from improvement in median progression-free survival times to higher 6-month survival rates
Usefulness Rating Under investigation; early results promising, especially in combination therapies
Usefulness Explanation The combination of CPT-11 with agents like Bevacizumab and Temozolomide has shown potential in treating recurrent malignant gliomas, suggesting a meaningful clinical benefit in this challenging patient population.
Toxicity Level 3
Toxicity Explanation While showing promise in efficacy, the combination treatments involving CPT-11 have been associated with manageable but significant toxicities, including hematologic, gastrointestinal, and hepatic adverse events.

From Ben Williams Book: Investigations into CPT-11 for recurrent glioma, particularly in combination with other chemotherapy agents and targeted therapies, have demonstrated potential improvements in patient outcomes. These early phase trials underscore the importance of further research to optimize dosing, manage toxicities, and ultimately improve survival and quality of life for patients with recurrent malignant gliomas.Property "Has original text" (as page type) with input value "Investigations into CPT-11 for recurrent glioma, particularly in combination with other chemotherapy agents and targeted therapies, have demonstrated potential improvements in patient outcomes. These early phase trials underscore the importance of further research to optimize dosing, manage toxicities, and ultimately improve survival and quality of life for patients with recurrent malignant gliomas." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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