
From Glioblastoma Treatments
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Property Information
Drug Name Cannabis and Cannabis-derived Products (e.g., Sativex)
FDA Approval Sativex is approved in Canada and some European countries for neuropathic pain; cannabis itself is not FDA-approved for cancer treatment
Used for Investigational use in cancer treatment, including glioblastoma, for its direct anti-cancer and anti-nausea effects
Clinical Trial Phase Preclinical studies and early clinical trials, including a notable trial with Sativex for glioblastoma
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Varies; cannabis is known for minimal side effects such as dry mouth, red eyes, and increased appetite. Sativex may have additional side effects similar to other cannabis products.
OS without Dose-intense temozolomide alone: Median survival from trial start was 369 days (12.1 months)
OS with Sativex combined with dose-intense temozolomide: Median survival exceeded 550 days (over 18 months)
PFS without Not specified
PFS with Not specifically mentioned; research primarily focused on overall survival and symptomatic relief
Usefulness Rating 4
Usefulness Explanation Not specified
Toxicity Level Not specified
Toxicity Explanation Not specified

Notes: Recent research on cannabis and its derivatives, like Sativex, has explored their anti-cancer potential, with studies indicating their ability to inhibit glioma growth and angiogenesis. A clinical trial with Sativex in combination with temozolomide for recurrent glioblastoma patients demonstrated a significant survival benefit, suggesting the therapeutic promise of cannabis-based products in cancer treatment. This advancement underscores the necessity of further clinical trials to confirm the efficacy and explore the broader applications of cannabis in oncology.

From Ben Williams Book: Not specified

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