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Nutraceuticals and Herbals

Oncologists routinely warn their patients not to use supplements, usually based on the belief that supplements that are anti-oxidants will interfere with both radiation and chemotherapy. While this issue is extremely complex, my own evaluation of the relevant evidence strongly disagrees with this opinion. [Introduction continues...]

List of Nutraceutical Treatments

 Drug NameUsefulness Ratingtoxicity_level
CBDCBD (Cannabidiol)42
CBGCannabigerol (CBG)32
CannabisCannabis and Cannabis-derived Products (e.g., Sativex)41
Ellagic acidEllagic Acid31
Fish oilFish Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids: EPA and DHA)41
GarlicGarlic (Allium sativum)31

Pages in category "Nutraceuticals"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.