
From Glioblastoma Treatments
Revision as of 05:52, 24 March 2024 by Lazy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{TreatmentInfo |drug_name=ABT-414 |FDA_approval=No |used_for=Targeting EGFR overexpressing glioblastoma cells |clinical_trial_phase=Phase 1 |common_side_effects=Eye toxicities, especially blurred vision |OS_with=Not reached at a median follow-up of 5.8 months |PFS_with=6.1 months for all patients, 5.9 months for EGFR amplified patients |usefulness_rating=2 |notes=ABT-414, an antibody-drug conjugate, selectively targets EGFR expressing tumor cells with minimal effects on...")
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Property Information
Drug Name ABT-414
FDA Approval No
Used for Targeting EGFR overexpressing glioblastoma cells
Clinical Trial Phase Phase 1
Clinical Trial Explanation Not specified
Common Side Effects Eye toxicities, especially blurred vision
OS without Not specified
OS with Not reached at a median follow-up of 5.8 months
PFS without Not specified
PFS with 6.1 months for all patients, 5.9 months for EGFR amplified patients
Usefulness Rating 2
Usefulness Explanation Not specified
Toxicity Level Not specified
Toxicity Explanation Not specified

Notes: ABT-414, an antibody-drug conjugate, selectively targets EGFR expressing tumor cells with minimal effects on healthy tissue. The phase 1 study highlighted challenges such as variable doses, study drug discontinuations due to toxicities, and small sample size, advising caution in evaluating efficacy parameters.

From Ben Williams Book: Not specified

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