Category:Antibody-Drug Conjugates and other protein-drug conjugates

From Glioblastoma Treatments
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Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) and other protein-drug conjugates represent a novel class of therapeutic agents in cancer treatment. These sophisticated therapies combine the specificity of antibodies or other proteins, which target specific markers on cancer cells, with potent cytotoxic drugs. This selective approach aims to minimize damage to healthy tissues while delivering powerful cancer-fighting agents directly to tumor cells.

ADCs and similar conjugates have shown promise in treating various cancers, including glioblastoma, by targeting unique cellular markers such as EGFR or IL-4R, which are often overexpressed in tumor cells. These treatments are part of an evolving landscape of precision oncology, offering hope for improved outcomes and reduced side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.

This category page lists some of the groundbreaking ADCs and protein-drug conjugates currently under investigation or in clinical trials for glioblastoma and other malignancies, highlighting their mechanisms, efficacy, and potential in cancer therapy.

List of Treatments

 Drug NameClinical Trial PhaseCommon Side EffectsOverall Survival With TreatmentProgression-Free Survival With TreatmentUsefulness Rating


  • The information listed on this page is based on the latest available data from clinical trials and research studies.
  • The Usefulness Rating is a subjective evaluation based on the current evidence and trial results.
  • Please consult with healthcare professionals for more detailed information and before making any treatment decisions.
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Pages in category "Antibody-Drug Conjugates and other protein-drug conjugates"

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